Are you a PARENT whose child needs help with reading, or an ADULT who wants to improve?

Are you an EDUCATOR looking for a highly effective, comprehensive reading program?

More Information for Families & Adults
Online Tutoring for Everyone in California:
Does your child need help with reading?

With Read Right's video conferencing technology, your child works one-on-one with a certified online tutor... as if they were in the same room.
Our Online Tutors are highly trained in a system that addresses every aspect of the reading process. Research documents that our system improves comprehension rapidly.
Read Right online tutoring is for:
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
- Dyslexic readers
- Readers with reading disabilities
- Readers in California State who want to improve in reading ability in every respect, including comprehension and reading speed
Read Right Works
Independent, gold-standard research has verified that Read Right tutoring is highly effective. Our Online Tutoring methods are virtually identical to our site-based methods, reviewed and rated highly by experts at the National Center on Response to Intervention.
Read Right Online Tutoring is appropriate for:
- Mild to severe reading problems
- Dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities
- English language learners
Our staff will provide you with all of the information and personal assistance needed to get you started with 21st Century Online Tutoring. We're here for one reason: to solve reading problems.
More Information for Institutions & Educators
Read Right:
Reading Program in California
The Read Right developmental remedial reading program has been proven to work for students of all ages:
- Elementary Students
- High School Students
- Middle School Students
- Higher Education Students
Read Right program can be utilized in:
- K-12 (Public & Private)
- Native American Reservations (Tribal Schools)
- Colleges, Universities and Vo-Tech schools
- Correctional Facilities
Site-Based Programs: For schools, colleges, workforce literacy, and correction facilities in California State
Read Right Systems will send a training Consultant to the site you designate for five to seven weeks of hands-on training and train your staff in our highly structured methods. Your staff will start to work with students immediately—there is no delay for students.
Programs in California are available for:
- Grade K-3 Early Reading Development
- Grade 3-12 Reading Intervention/RTI & Reading Improvement
- Adults: College Developmental Reading & Workplace Literacy
Our comprehensive systems are turn-key. We provide all of the training, materials, and equipment required to offer your students an exceptionally effective reading program.
What Parents, Readers and Teachers Are Saying
You would be so proud of Mario. He has been voluntarily reading to me in the evenings. You have changed his life! Thank you!
— Carmen, mother of Mario, a 10 year old boy, Olympia —